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Geologic Interpretation and Modeling


Kbc Advanced Technologies

PETROFINE is KBC's unique modeling system, capable of the detailedsimulation of refinery unit operations from simple single operations tocomplete complex refineries. PETROFINE builds on KBC's world-beatingsingle unit models DISTOP, VISTOP, and CATOP for accurate, fastsimulation and optimization of complex refining configurations. Itrevolutionizes the capabilities of simulation to refiners by adding unitby unit and global optimization, sophisticated constraint capabilities,time period analysis, and inventories.PETROFINE is a production tool with emphasis on accurate simulation topredict commercial product properties to within the test methodreproducibility. PETROFINE is more accurate than any other simulator orplanning system currently available. KBC's attention to the technologywithin the models makes them particularly robust, fast and widelyapplicable. PETROFINE is commercialized after an extensive developmentand test program both inside and outside KBC.

Language: FORTRAN
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Kbc Advanced Technologies
3900 N Causeway Blvd Suite 1340 Lakeway I
Metairie, LA 70002
Phone: (504) 837-9228
Fax: (504) 837-5410